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Mover Reviews in Hallandale Beach

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Public Review for National Relocation Van Lines

We hope that this will provide you the reviews and ratings of their services to consider when choosing the right moving company for your next move. If you feel differently, please feel free to post your reviews and ratings based on your moving experience with National Relocation Van Lines. Write a Review for National Relocation Van Lines

National Relocation Van Lines

1835 E Hallandale Beach Blvd, Hallandale Beach, FL 33009

Phone: 855-876-9434

Review Date:8/4/2015

Reviewed By: dorotanowak

Overall Rating:

5 Star Rating 5
Timeliness: 5
Preparedness: 5
Cautiousness: 5
Efficiency: 5
Professionalism: 5

Moving experience would vary according to the moving company you happen to hire and in my case, my moving experience was not bad because I chose to hire this company. So far, they are the most professional, skilled, timely and fastest moving company I have hired or encountered in my life. It was important that my belongings would arrive our destination safe and sound, I clearly told them about this, which is they packed everything carefully and stacked them with care to make sure nothing was damaged – when we arrived and saw each of my things, the effort they put in taking good care of my things paid off. Good job! They really know how to please their clients!

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