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Public Review for Suburban Relocation Systems

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Suburban Relocation Systems

12000 Old Baltimore Pike, Beltsville, MD 20705

Phone: 800-816-6834

Review Date:9/18/2021

Reviewed By: forjustice

Overall Rating:

1 Star Rating 1
Timeliness: 1
Preparedness: 1
Cautiousness: 1
Efficiency: 1
Professionalism: 1

My experience with Suburban Relocation Systems is a disaster (mover hostage, fraud, and theft).

I entered into a moving agreement with Suburban Relocation Systems LLC to ship my household goods from Pennsylvania to Florida in August 2021. They did not show up on pick up date. When it was 18 days past the delivery date, they attempted for drop off. Without 24-hour notice, they arrived late and missed the scheduled elevator reservation. Suburban refused to wait and deliver, even if I pay all the hefty fee ($750 per day). In return for their fault, they hold my goods as hostage (demanding double pay). On top of the mover hostage, they charged $1440 on my credit card without my authorization, which is fraud by FBI's definition. Adding insult to injury, it threats to sell my goods at auction, which is theft.

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