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Public Review for Suburban Relocation Systems

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Suburban Relocation Systems

12000 Old Baltimore Pike, Beltsville, MD 20705

Phone: 800-816-6834

Review Date:3/25/2020

Reviewed By: wade

Overall Rating:

5 Star Rating 5
Timeliness: 5
Preparedness: 5
Cautiousness: 5
Efficiency: 5
Professionalism: 5

Suburban relocation systems is a very good and professional operation. They did a great job qualifying the move ahead of time and quoted me for what I think was a reasonable cost. The day before the move, they called me to confirm a 1-hour arrival window. On the day of the move, their team showed up at the very beginning of the arrival window, which I really appreciated. The movers were very courteous, friendly, and professional. They took the time to carefully wrap some furniture items that I did not pack myself. No time was wasted and they had me moved out of one apartment and into another in about two hours. Shout out to the sales rep specifically, who were on the moving team. All items were delivered with care. On-time, speedy service for a good cost. Highly recommended.

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