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Public Review for Usa Family Moving

We hope that this will provide you the reviews and ratings of their services to consider when choosing the right moving company for your next move. If you feel differently, please feel free to post your reviews and ratings based on your moving experience with Usa Family Moving. Write a Review for Usa Family Moving

Usa Family Moving

5532 Lakeland Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55429

Phone: 612-286-0400

Review Date:12/14/2019

Reviewed By: patrickhartzog

Overall Rating:

5 Star Rating 5
Timeliness: 5
Preparedness: 5
Cautiousness: 5
Efficiency: 5
Professionalism: 5

I never wanted to use professional movers for my move because of my previous experience but I had to go for professional movers because of my wife. He wanted to use professionals. But this time I did not make any mistake. I did my research. I checked the net, read the reviews, called many movers and in the end hired Usa Family Moving because of their asking price and obviously because of their sales rep. When we talked I noticed that he was very keen to ensure a great service but never pushed me to hire them. However, Usa Family Moving actually changed my perception towards professional movers. Their movers arrived at 7 am sharp wit the necessary tools and trucks. They began the work in an organized.

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