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Public Review for Swift Movers Van Lines

We hope that this will provide you the reviews and ratings of their services to consider when choosing the right moving company for your next move. If you feel differently, please feel free to post your reviews and ratings based on your moving experience with Swift Movers Van Lines. Write a Review for Swift Movers Van Lines

Swift Movers Van Lines

3131 Coney Island Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11235

Phone: 877-786-8234

Review Date:4/13/2013

Reviewed By: castillo18

Overall Rating:

5 Star Rating 5
Timeliness: 5
Preparedness: 5
Cautiousness: 5
Efficiency: 5
Professionalism: 5

Last time I had a terrible move but this time I got the opposite result because I was very picky while deciding which movers to use. All my hard work and research paid off. I used Swift movers van lines for the move and they did really well to complete the move within the given time and within the budget. There were no hidden charges, no extra fees and on top of that they delivered all my stuffs in one piece and without any damage. That is why I made up my mind to use Swift movers van lines for my next move as well.

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