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Public Review for National Relocation Van Lines

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National Relocation Van Lines

1835 E Hallandale Beach Blvd, Hallandale Beach, FL 33009

Phone: 855-876-9434

Review Date:11/17/2015

Reviewed By: mct1

Overall Rating:

1 Star Rating 1
Timeliness: 1
Preparedness: 1
Cautiousness: 1
Efficiency: 1
Professionalism: 1

Con artists posing as moving brokers caused me medical harm and destroyed our things. This complaint is about White Horse A&S llc, aka National Relocation Van Lines, aka National Relocation Solutions (they clearly hide alternate identities to prevent customers from seeing complaints such as this - I'm complaining against White Horse, but they don't use that name, at all, they go by National Relocation to fool the customers). They scheduled a pick-up date of July 6, but did not arrive. When we called, they told us they would arrive on July 7, which was after the time we were contractually obligated to be out of the house. They scheduled a delivery of July 13, but did not arrive. When we called, they demanded $2,000 on top of the down-payment we had already made. We agreed because there was large medical equipment on board that I badly needed, and that we had only rationed about 2 weeks worth of medication since they promised a 1 week delivery. They knew about this beforehand, and were made aware of it again after this exchange, and they promised a delivery date of the 17th, which never arrived. Then they promised the 20th (the latest date contractually allowable). Still nothing. They then said that they had no idea there was a problem, despite the fact that we were calling nearly on a daily basis, and that our things would arrive on Aug 05. It's at that point I threatened to call the FBI, and then they offered a date of July 27th. Our things finally did arrive on July 27th, but not before several medical complications occurred, resulting in unnecessary suffering and medical procedures. Many of our things arrived broken, including both a couch and loveseat ($1,564), bunkbeds ($187), fridge ($899), and picture frames (negligible). There were also a variety of things missing, such as a traditional tea set I bought for my wife while I was working in Beijing in 2007-2008. When we complained, they directed us to some lackey complaint company called MovingClaims.net. This company has just as bad a reputation as National Relocation. The filing process with this company only takes into account damaged goods, not contract violations or anything else. Despite this, there were still significant delays, and we finally heard on Nov 17 that they were offering us $68. That's less than 1/1000 of what they actually owe us for the contract violations, resulting medical complications, and damaged items. So now we are forced to resort to hiring a lawyer. On top of all this, they violated several federal laws, including refusing to weigh/measure the shipment in front of us, increasing the non-binding price estimate by over 200%, and not providing a final bill of lading with full inventory of everything that was packed. This is not a real company, at all. They are a group of people scamming customers and holding their things hostage. We are now dedicated to taking them down, completely. Even if we never get our settlement, we will not stop until they close their operations entirely.

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